版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
★ Table of Contents ★
1) Introduction & Installing The Java (JDK)
2) Installing Eclipse IDE And Setting Up Eclipse
3) Creating First Java Project In Eclipse IDE
4) Variables And Types In Java
5) Getting User Input Using Java
6) Math And Arithmetic Operators In Java
7) Increment Operator And Assignment Operator
8) IF... ELSE Statements And Relational Operators
9) Logical Operators In Java
10) Switch Statement In Java
11) The While Statements (While Loops)
12) The Do-While Statements (Do-While Loops)
13) Arrays In Java
14) The For Statement In Java (For Loops)
15) Java String
16) Introduction To Methods
17) Parameter Passing And Returning A Value From A Method
18) Classes And Objects In Java
19) Class Constructor In Java
20) Method Overloading In Java
21) 'Static' Keyword In Java
22) 'Static' Keyword Example In Java
23) Public, Private, Protected And This (Java Access Modifiers)
24) The Final Keyword In Java
25) Inheritance In Java
26) Polymorphism In Java
27) Method Overriding In Java
28) Abstract Methods And Classes
29) Java Interfaces
30) Recursion In Java
31) Arraylist In Java
32) LinkedList In Java
33) Difference Between LinkedList Vs ArrayList In Java
34) ListIterator In Java
35) HashSet In Java
36) Catching And Handling Exceptions In Java Using Try Catch Blocks
37) Java Finally Block (Try-Catch-Finally Exception Handling In Java)
38) Create A File And Write In It Using PrintWriter And File Class
39) How To Read File Using Java
40) Using Date & Time + Formatting Date Using SimpleDateFormat
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